Icons & text

  • Icon & text

    Use an icon and text to communicate the value proposition and share the specific benefits of your offering. What makes it unique in your market?

  • Icon & text

    Use an icon and text to communicate the value proposition and share the specific benefits of your offering. What makes it unique in your market?

  • Icon & text

    Use an icon and text to communicate the value proposition and share the specific benefits of your offering. What makes it unique in your market?

Course curriculum

  • 01
    Who Am I? Stretching Myself
    Show details
    • Disc-01_Thinking_Into_Results-A_Worthy_Ideal
    • Lesson_01_A_Worthy_Ideal
    • Disc-02_The_Knowing-Doing_Gap
    • Lesson_02-_The_Knowing-Doing_Gap
    • Disc-03_Your_Infinite_Mind
    • Lesson_03_Worksheets_-_Your_Infinite_Mind
  • 02
    Chapter 2 Our Potential Runs Deep
    Show details
    • Disc-04 The_Secret_Genie
    • Lesson_04_Worksheets_-_The_Secret_Genie
    • Disc-05 Thinking_Into_Results
    • Lesson_05_Worksheets_-_Thinking_Into_Results
    • Disc-06 Environment_is_But_Our_Looking_Glass
    • Lesson_06_Worksheets_-_Environment_is_But_Our_Looking_Glass
  • 03
    Chapter 3 If There No Enemy within, the Enemy outside can do no Harm
    Show details
    • Disc-07 Trample_the_Terror_Barrier
    • Lesson_07_Worksheets_-_Trample_the_Terror_Barrier
    • Disc-08 The_Power_of_Praxis
    • Lesson_08_Worksheets_-_The_Power_of_Praxis
    • Disc-09 The_Magic_Word
    • Lesson_09_Worksheets_-_The_Magic_Word
  • 04
    Chapter 4 Time 2 Level Up
    Show details
    • Disc-10 The_Most_Valuable_Person
    • Lesson_10_Worksheets_-_The_Most_Valuable_Person
    • Disc-11 Leaving_Everyone_with_the_Impression_of_Increase
    • Lesson_11_Worksheets_-_Leaving_Everyone_with_the_Impression_of_Increase
    • Disc-12_Mastermind Principle You2
    • Lesson_12_Worksheets_-_Mastermind Principle You2

Pricing options

Explain how different pricing options might be valuable to different segments of your audience.

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